Dee Dee Thai Vouchers

Be kind to your whanau and gift them healing hands.

Buy your gift voucher in the Dee Dee Thai Massage Shop or for an e-Voucher :

  1. Transfer the appropriate fee (see prices below) to the following bank account:

    ANZ Bank Name: Dee Dee Thai Massage

    ANZ Bank details: 06-0851-0466140-00

    Reference: Your name

  2. Send us an email at and provide the name of the person to be named on the voucher & the duration of the massage.


    Subject: 90-minute E-voucher purchase

    Name of the person on a voucher: John Smith

    Email address of the person on voucher (if you want us to send it direct):

    Duration of the massage: 90 minutes

    Message in your own words (if you want us to send it direct):

    Please attach an official receipt of the transaction that shows our bank details in an email.

  3. After we receive your email and the fee, we will send a return email with your E-Voucher (normally within 48 hours).

First Floor Boy’s High Building, The Arts Centre, Christchurch Central. 8013

Massage therapies are priced as follows:

30 minutes: $65.

45 minutes: $90.

60 minutes: $110.

90 minutes: $160.

120 minutes: $200.